
The dialog.root contains all the parts of a dialog.

The dialog.trigger wraps the control that will open the dialog.

The dialog.content contains the content of the dialog.

The dialog.title is a title that is announced when the dialog is opened.

The dialog.description is a description that is announced when the dialog is opened.

The dialog.close wraps the control that will close the dialog.

In context examples

Events when the Dialog opens or closes

The on_open_change event is called when the open state of the dialog changes. It is used in conjunction with the open prop, which is passed to the event handler.

Number of times dialog opened or closed: 0

Dialog open: false

Check out the menu docs for an example of opening a dialog from within a dropdown menu.

Form Submission to a Database from a Dialog

This example adds new users to a database from a dialog using a form.

  1. It defines a User model with name and email fields.
  2. The add_user_to_db method adds a new user to the database, checking for existing emails.
  3. On form submission, it calls the add_user_to_db method.
  4. The UI component has:
  • A button to open a dialog
  • A dialog containing a form to add a new user
  • Input fields for name and email
  • Submit and Cancel buttons

API Reference


Root component for Dialog.

PropType | ValuesDefaultInteractive

Event Triggers

See the full list of default event triggers
on_open_change Fired when the open state changes.


Trigger an action or event, to open a Dialog modal.


No component specific props


Title component to display inside a Dialog modal.


No component specific props


Content component to display inside a Dialog modal.

PropType | ValuesDefaultInteractive
"1" | "2" | ...

Event Triggers

See the full list of default event triggers
on_open_auto_focus Fired when the dialog is opened.
on_close_auto_focus Fired when the dialog is closed.
on_escape_key_down Fired when the escape key is pressed.
on_pointer_down_outside Fired when the pointer is down outside the dialog.
on_interact_outside Fired when the pointer interacts outside the dialog.


Description component to display inside a Dialog modal.


No component specific props


Close button component to close an open Dialog modal.


No component specific props

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