
Reflex requires Python 3.8+.

Virtual Environment

We highly recommend creating a virtual environment for your project.

venv is the standard option. conda and poetry are some alternatives.

Install Reflex on your system

Install on macOS/Linux

We will go with venv here.


macOS (Apple Silicon) users should install Rosetta 2. Run this command:

/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license

Create the project directory

Replace my_app_name with your project name. Switch to the new directory.

mkdir my_app_name
cd my_app_name

Setup virtual environment

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install Reflex package

Reflex is available as a pip package.

pip install reflex

Initialize the project

reflex init

The command will return four template options to choose from as shown below.

Initializing the web directory.

Get started with a template:
(0) blank ( - A minimal template
(1) dashboard ( - A dashboard with tables and graphs
(2) sales ( - An app to manage sales and customers
(3) ai_image_gen ( - An app to generate images using AI
(4) ci_template ( - A template for continuous integration
(5) api_admin_panel ( - An admin panel for an api.
(6) nba ( - A data visualization app for NBA data.
(7) customer_data_app ( - An app to manage customer data.
Which template would you like to use? (0): 

From here select a template.

Run the App

Run it in development mode:

reflex run

Your app runs at http://localhost:3000.

Reflex prints logs to the terminal. To increase log verbosity to help with debugging, use the --loglevel flag:

reflex run --loglevel debug

Reflex will hot reload any code changes in real time when running in development mode. Your code edits will show up on http://localhost:3000 automatically.