Built with Reflex


New in 0.5.6

The Clipboard component can be used to respond to paste events with complex data.

If the Clipboard component is included in a page without children, rx.clipboard(), then it will attach to the document's paste event handler and will be triggered when data is pasted anywhere into the page.

Paste Content Here

The data argument passed to the on_paste method is a list of tuples, where each tuple contains the MIME type of the pasted data and the data itself. Binary data will be base64 encoded as a data URI, and can be decoded using python's urlopen or used directly as the src prop of an image.

Scoped Paste Events

If you want to limit the scope of the paste event to a specific element, wrap the rx.clipboard component around the elements that should trigger the paste event.

To avoid having outer paste handlers also trigger the event, you can use the event action .stop_propagation to prevent the paste from bubbling up through the DOM.

If you need to also prevent the default action of pasting the data into a text box, you can also attach the .prevent_default action.

API Reference


Clipboard component.

PropType | ValuesDefault

Event Triggers

See the full list of default event triggers
on_paste Called when the user pastes data into the document. Data is a list of tuples of (mime_type, data). Binary types will be base64 encoded as a data uri.