Built with Reflex


The Upload component can be used to upload files to the server.

You can pass components as children to customize its appearance. You can upload files by clicking on the component or by dragging and dropping files onto it.

Selecting a file will add it to the browser's file list, which can be rendered on the frontend using the rx.selected_files(id) special Var. To clear the selected files, you can use another special Var rx.clear_selected_files(id) as an event handler.

To upload the file(s), you need to bind an event handler and pass the special rx.upload_files(upload_id=id) event arg to it.

Multiple File Upload

Below is an example of how to allow multiple file uploads (in this case images).

Uploading a Single File (Video)

Below is an example of how to allow only a single file upload and render (in this case a video).

Customizing the Upload

In the example below, the upload component accepts a maximum number of 5 files of specific types. It also disables the use of the space or enter key in uploading files.

To use a one-step upload, bind the event handler to the rx.upload component's on_drop trigger.

Handling the Upload

Your event handler should be an async function that accepts a single argument, files: list[UploadFile], which will contain FastAPI UploadFile instances. You can read the files and save them anywhere as shown in the example.

In your UI, you can bind the event handler to a trigger, such as a button on_click event or upload on_drop event, and pass in the files using rx.upload_files().

Saving the File

By convention, Reflex provides the function rx.get_upload_dir() to get the directory where uploaded files may be saved. The upload dir comes from the environment variable REFLEX_UPLOADED_FILES_DIR, or ./uploaded_files if not specified.

The backend of your app will mount this uploaded files directory on /_upload without restriction. Any files uploaded via this mechanism will automatically be publicly accessible. To get the URL for a file inside the upload dir, use the rx.get_upload_url(filename) function in a frontend component.

When using the Reflex hosting service, the uploaded files directory is not persistent and will be cleared on every deployment. For persistent storage of uploaded files, it is recommended to use an external service, such as S3.


The id provided to the rx.upload component can be passed to the special event handler rx.cancel_upload(id) to stop uploading on demand. Cancellation can be triggered directly by a frontend event trigger, or it can be returned from a backend event handler.


The rx.upload_files special event arg also accepts an on_upload_progress event trigger which will be fired about every second during the upload operation to report the progress of the upload. This can be used to update a progress bar or other UI elements to show the user the progress of the upload.

The progress dictionary contains the following keys:

API Reference


The styled Upload Component.

PropType | ValuesDefault
Union[Dict, NoneType]

Event Triggers

See the full list of default event triggers
on_drop Marked True when any Upload component is created. Fired when files are dropped.