Displaying date and relative time to now sometimes can be more complicated than necessary.
To make it easy, Reflex is wrapping react-moment under rx.moment
Using a date from a state var as a value, we will display it in a few different
way using rx.moment
The date_now
state var is initialized when the site was deployed. The
button below can be used to update the var to the current datetime, which will
be reflected in the subsequent examples.
Display the date as-is:
Humanized interval
Sometimes we don't want to display just a raw date, but we want something more instinctive to read. That's when we can use from_now
and to_now
You can also set a duration (in milliseconds) with from_now_during
where the date will display as relative, then after that, it will be displayed as defined in format
Formatting dates
Offset Date
With the props add
and subtract
, you can pass an rx.MomentDelta
object to modify the displayed date without affecting the stored date in your state.
You can also set dates to display in a specific timezone:
Client-side periodic update
If a date is not passed to rx.moment
, it will use the client's current time.
If you want to update the date every second, you can use the interval
Even better, you can actually link an event handler to the on_change
prop that will be called every time the date is updated: