


Events are composed of two parts: Event Triggers and Event Handlers.

  • Events Handlers are how the State of a Reflex application is updated. They are triggered by user interactions with the UI, such as clicking a button or hovering over an element. Events can also be triggered by the page loading or by other events.
  • Event triggers are component props that create an event to be sent to an event handler. Each component supports a set of events triggers. They are described in each component's documentation in the event trigger section.

Lets take a look at an example below. Try mousing over the heading to change the word.


class WordCycleState(rx.State):
    # The words to cycle through.
    text: list[str] = ["Welcome", "to", "Reflex", "!"]

    # The index of the current word.
    index: int = 0

    def next_word(self):
        self.index = (self.index + 1) % len(self.text)

    def get_text(self) -> str:
        return self.text[self.index]

def event_triggers_example():
    return rx.heading(

In this example, the heading component has the event trigger, on_mouse_over. Whenever the user hovers over the heading, the next_word event handler will be called to cycle the word. Once the handler returns, the UI will be updated to reflect the new state.

In the event section of the documentation, you will explore the different types of events supported by Reflex, along with the different ways to call them.

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