



An abstract var.

create(cls, value: 'Any', _var_is_local: 'bool' = True, _var_is_string: 'bool | None' = None, _var_data: 'Optional[VarData]' = None) -> 'Var | None'Create a var from a value.
create_safe(cls, value: 'Any', _var_is_local: 'bool' = True, _var_is_string: 'bool | None' = None, _var_data: 'Optional[VarData]' = None) -> 'Var'Create a var from a value, asserting that it is not None.
equals(self, other: 'Var') -> 'bool'Check if two vars are equal.
to_string(self, json: 'bool' = True) -> 'Var'Convert a var to a string.
to_int(self) -> 'Var'Convert a var to an int.
operation(self, op: 'str' = '', other: 'Var | None' = None, type_: 'Type | None' = None, flip: 'bool' = False, fn: 'str | None' = None, invoke_fn: 'bool' = False) -> 'Var'Perform an operation on a var.
is_valid_operation(operand1_type: 'Type', operand2_type: 'Type', operator: 'str') -> 'bool'Check if an operation between two operands is valid.
compare(self, op: 'str', other: 'Var') -> 'Var'Compare two vars with inequalities.
length(self) -> 'Var'Get the length of a list var.
contains(self, other: 'Any', field: 'Union[Var, None]' = None) -> 'Var'Check if a var contains the object `other`.
reverse(self) -> 'Var'Reverse a list var. Raises: VarTypeError: If the var is not a list.
lower(self) -> 'Var'Convert a string var to lowercase.
upper(self) -> 'Var'Convert a string var to uppercase.
strip(self, other: 'str | Var[str]' = ' ') -> 'Var'Strip a string var.
split(self, other: 'str | Var[str]' = ' ') -> 'Var'Split a string var into a list.
join(self, other: 'str | Var[str] | None' = None) -> 'Var'Join a list var into a string.
foreach(self, fn: 'Callable') -> 'Var'Return a list of components. after doing a foreach on this var.
range(cls, v1: 'Var | int' = 0, v2: 'Var | int | None' = None, step: 'Var | int | None' = None) -> 'Var'Return an iterator over indices from v1 to v2 (or 0 to v1).
to(self, type_: 'Type') -> 'Var'Convert the type of the var.
as_ref(self) -> 'Var'Convert the var to a ref.
json(self) -> 'str'Serialize the var to a JSON string. Raises: NotImplementedError: If the method is not implemented.

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