Image for Reflex App: customer_data_app
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A Reflex app for customer data management with visualizations

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The following is a python dashboard to interactively display some data, i.e. customer data. The app allows you to add, edit, and delete customer data in a table, as well as visualize the changes in data over time. All the data is stored in a database. It is a good starting point for building more complex apps that require data visualization and editing.


To run this app locally, install Reflex and run:

To run the app, use:

Setting an external Database

It is also possible to set an external database so that your data is not lost every time the app closes and so you can deploy your app and maintain data.

In the file we accept a DATABASE_URL environment variable.

To set one run the following command in your terminal:

Customizing the Database Model

We define our Customer model in the customer_data_app/customer_data_app/backend/ file. The model is used to store customer data in the database. You can customize the model to input your own data here.

It will also be necessary to edit some of the event handlers inside of State in the same file and to edit some of the UI components in customer_data_app/customer_data_app/views/ to reflect the changes in the model.

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